The Wonders of Being Alone
I’ve always rejected the chaotic, energy draining routines of everyday life that many people I know love and are so content with. Each day is filled with so much distraction that people rely on and have become programmed to devote to. Our senses are overloaded. We’re usually with many people all day and when we’re not, we’re more than likely listening to music or watching TV. When we get home we call people or leave the TV on to make it seem like someone is there until we fall asleep.
No one bothers breaking this cycle. No one knows how to be quiet and spend time with themselves anymore. People are constantly distracting themselves without even being consciously aware of it. We’re so used to doing as much as we can to make us feel accomplished, or at the very least, binge watch Netflix, Why do people distract themselves?
You distract yourself because you can’t stand yourself.
People don’t want to face their inner voice, the pressing silence of their empty bedroom. They don’t know how to spend time by themselves and are uncomfortable with it.
Being uncomfortable with being alone speaks volumes about your identity.
When we live with so many distractions, we are not even ourselves. We don’t know ourselves and we don’t pay attention to the internal because our energies are so focused on our external environments. People measure and understand who they are solely based on their external relationships and how they are perceived by others. Their personalities are completely dependent on the world around them.
Who are you when you’re alone?
The only way to get in tune with ourselves and break the cycle of distractions is to retreat into ourselves. Even with a full time work week, a social life, and finishing a second book, I take a few hours from my days off to turn off my phone, and sit in silence.
Sometimes I meditate, other times I lay in my thoughts and have conversations with myself. Near the end, the chaotic energy in my mind slows down and I even notice I begin to think more logically. Everything feels more clear as my thoughts are coming from my own internal voice, no one else’s. With time spent alone and newfound inner peace, your energy is at a much calmer level and you’re able to live with a higher tuning into your intuition and inner guidance. We are able to stay in the present moment and not have a bombardment of thoughts controlling us. During these quiet periods, we’re able to tap into profound insights from our subconscious and become more creative. Overtime, we become more comfortable and have a better understanding with who we are, without relying on the external world.
Our current circumstances are now forcing us to retreat into ourselves, to cut us off from everything and hold a mirror up to our behaviors, our though patterns, our priorities, our selfishness. Take this given time, cut off all distraction, and you’ll realize the profound power in the simplicities, the wonders of being alone.