Draining the Venom: Quick Update
Life has seemed to have halted to a standstill, but time is a reminder that everything is constantly moving simultaneously. It’s a strange paradox I’ve been experiencing recently but maybe it is more so due to my strange perception of time and how I define the phases of my life. Phases of growth, phases of rest, phases of creativity, as well as phases of new experiences.
But time has slowed enough for me to notice rippling thoughts emerge from my subconscious about the past, and I’ve spent time tying each specific moment of my childhood to my current personality and darker modes of behavior. The process of learning to accept faults within ourselves we usually shove under the rug is not an overnight process and I continuously catch myself falling into negative patterns despite my restraints, but I felt like the only way to truly drain the venom from my life, being dark memories, mistakes, times of shame and self hate, was to once again, pour everything onto the page. Since releasing intuition until now I’ve been dissecting pieces of myself each day, coming to terms with every aspect of my being, sewing the pieces back together to lead me to this moment and soon, the arrival of my third book. Coming in Fall 2022. More details to come in the following months 🐍
(follow @akadomm on Instagram for future updates)